Frisbee Collection
Grade Level: 6-8
Students are placed in groups of three, with one player becoming the thrower, one player the hoop holder, and one being the catcher. Throwers try to throw the Frisbee through the hoop, while the catcher catches it. Players may stand as close to each other as they wish, but if they miss they must begin again. The object is to get your team all the way across the field without missing. An extension of this task would be for the holder and the catcher to be moving while the thrower is throwing the frisbee, if space permits. This will increase the difficulty of the task so students will be excited about throwing the frisbee.
Grade Level: 3-5
Create small teams of players and give each team 3-4 hula hoops of differing colors. The first player may jump, hop or leap into any hoop of his/her choice. They must then jump out. All players from the team follow in order. The first player then repeats his/her first movement, and adds a second. Again, all the rest follow in turn. The leader continues until s/he has had a set number of turns (as designated by the teacher,) then another player begins the sequences.
Bunny Levels
Grade Level: K-2
Helpers hold noodles at various heights. Teach different levels (low, medium, and high), and pre-instruct for appropriate levels to go over and under. The bunnies (students) go around the gym going over and under “logs” and “branches” deciding whether they should go over or under. Noodles will be spread out all over the gym, students can travel wherever they want to go. If multiple people come to a noodle at one time, students should wait their turn before going over or under. For a class challenge, have students see how many logs and branches they can travel by and then after 2 minutes see how many they got. Have them try again and see if they can beat their record.
Whacky Baseball
Grade Level: 6-8
The full version of whacky baseball involves 8 bases instead of the usual 4. There are 8 fielding bases and 8 runner bases. An all-time pitcher will pitch the ball to the batter and then once the batter hits the ball, the fielders must get the ball to one of the three designated “stop spots”. Once the ball is at a stop spot, the runner must stop at the last base they touched, and the ball is returned to the pitcher. The innings switch after each runner gets a chance to bat. Each time a runner returns to home base, the team gets a point.
Crazy Body Parts
Grade Level: K-2
Flash Cards – Body parts
Set up – Have a fun song in the cd player, and when you start the music, the children must dance around the room, when you stop the music, put up a body flash card, or just yell out the vocabulary. Then the children must find a partner and touch the appropriate body part on the other child for example,
* Hands – touch palms of hands together and sit down,
* Feet/Toes – lay down on their backs and put the souls of their feet
* Shoulders – get back to back with the partner and sit down
* Knees – kneel down in front of each other knees touching,
But there is a crazy catch, if you yell out Head, the kids must find a partner and do the head shoulders knees and toes song as fast as they can then sit down.
Dribble Tag
Grade Level: 3-5
Each player is given a soccer ball and told to find a personal space. On “Go!” all players dribble around the playing area while trying to tag other players. Players must keep control of their ball at all times. Tagged players must go to the sideline to do a set of self-dribbles before returning to the game.
Leap Frog Tag
Grade Level: 3-5
Everybody is it, and when tagged a person must freeze in a crouched down position as low as they can go. Players may unfreeze frozen players by leapfrogging over them. After saying “thank you” unfrozen players may return to the game.
Locomotor line tag
Grade Level: K-2
All students are it, and students may move on any line that they like in the gym. Each color line represents a movement that must be performed on that color. For example, green lines represent gallop, yellow lines represent skipping, etc. Players can tag anyone from any team and tagged players simply move to the line color of the person that tagged them.
Locomotor bingo
Grade Level: 3-5
Have students create a bingo sheet on their paper with a specified number of spaces. Have them fill in each of the spaces with the name of a locomotor movement. Choose players to demonstrate locomotor movements, and players cross out the boxes of the movements as they see them.
Streamer Dance
Grade Level: K-2
Remind students about the various pathways; straight, curvy, and zig zag. Have one student from the group use the streamer to create a pathway on the floor, and the other students try to recreate (through movement) the same pathway next to the one on the floor. Switch student leaders, and repeat until all team members have practiced all of the pathways.
Tunnel tag
Grade Level: K-2
Identify 1-3 taggers, and when tagged a player must stand with their hand in the air, and legs spread apart. Any player may unfreeze a frozen player by going underneath their legs. After saying “thank you” an unfrozen player may return to the game.
Leaping sets
Grade Level: K-2
Describe and demonstrate good hopping, jumping, and leaping form. Describe cues for good locomotor movement as well as safe landing. Talk about what elements can make up a set. Discuss how color, size, shape, etc. can all be ways to combine teams in sets. Place plastic figures of various types all over the floor. (Little plastic animals work well.) Create small teams of players and give each team a designated home area. On go, have one player from each team move forward and collect an item by hopping, jumping, or leaping over the top of it. Continue sending players forward until all of the items have been collected. Have students create as many sets as they can from the items they collected.