Spaghetti and Meatballs
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5
- Half of the class will start with pool noodles
- Half of the class will be starting on the passing side
- Students with the balls must pass to each other and try to keep it away from students with noodles
- If the ball gets knocked away from them, the person who knocked it away is now on the passing side, the person who passed it picks up a noodle
Strike Across Remake
Grade Level: 3-5
Divide the playing area in half with a middle dividing line. Create partners by colored shirts, shoes, etc. Create two equal teams of partner groups. Each partner team has a tee and a bat. Students show they are ready by standing with their partner against the back wall.
On the teacher’s signal, one partner places a ball on the tee for their teammate to hit to the other side. After hitting, the other partner collects a ball and sets it up for the other person to hit.
When the teacher yells freeze, teams count the balls on their side, and the team with the fewest wins.
PE Running Man
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12
Requirement: A large amount of space that can hide people and stuff (Mostly building on Gym night)
People will be split into two groups. Each person will have their own nametag on their back. The main objective of this game is to eliminate everyone from the other team. A person can be eliminated if their nametag is ripped off by the other team and placed on the wall. However, there is more than one way to eliminate someone. There will also be a nametag of every participant hidden somewhere. If someone found the hidden nametag of someone from the other team and placed on the wall, then that person from the team will go to the “Return” zone. So it is a game of strengths and wits.
The people who are eliminated are sent to the “Return” zone. While in the Return zone, they can participate in activities with objectives that can get them back in the game. If the objective in the zone is completed the player is back in the game. Activities can be designed to match the skill being taught in class that day.
Activities objective Examples: Make 10 3 pointers in a row, dribble consecutively 30 times, use alternate hands to dribble for a minute, etc.
Ghost Ghost
Grade Level: 3-5
One student is the ghost and the rest of the students follow the ghost around while asking the ghost question. Questions can be about anything.
Example: Are you a home ghost? Are you going to chase us? etc…
The ghost will choose to respond or not respond to the question. But once the ghost turns around, the ghost can start chasing everybody. The first person to get tagged by the ghost become the new ghost. The game will begin again.
Chasers should be encouraged to chase someone with similar or higher skills than themselves.
Centipede Chicken Dragon
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8
It is like fox and rabbits with a twist of rock paper scissors. Students will be split into two groups. In each group, the students will either be a centipede, chicken, or dragon.
Dragon beats Chicken, Chicken Beats Centipede, Centipede beats Dragon
The objective of this game is to get everybody into one team. The way to do this is by tagging someone from the other team. Once they are tagged then they have to switch to the other team. Once everybody is on the same team then the game is over.
Example: If a centipede manages to tag a dragon from the other team, then that dragon has to switch teams. However, the centipede cannot tag a chicken since a centipede cannot beat a chicken.
Tee Derby
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5
In this game, students will be given a partner, a ball, and a tee and bat. Each group will also have a square taped on the wall in front of them which contains smaller squares that have different point values. Students will try to aim their hits to hit the higher point value squares to get the highest score they can. If this activity is too easy, they can back up to make it more challenging. Students will switch turns every hit and try to get as many points as they can in the time limit.
Pirate Floor Hockey
Grade Level: 3-5
“Pirate Floor Hockey”
- Each student is given a foam hockey stick and a puck (their gold or treasure). Next have some students put away their treasure puck and be “pirates” and focus on trying to steal the treasure from the other students. Once a pirate steals a treasure puck, that student now becomes a pirate and attempts to steal the puck from other students.
- G – Student Goals
o Practice stick handling and dribbling
- O – Opportunities
o All students get the opportunity to start with and without treasure. They also are always moving and attempting to keep their puck away from the pirates or steal treasure from the other students.
- A – Appropriate
o The lesson is appropriate for young students and keeps them safe with the foam hockey sticks
- L – Learning Domains
o Strong affective presence. Students must interact with others and use good teamwork to try and out maneuver the pirates.
- S – Slanty Creek
o Students can choose to use pucks as their treasure and work their way up to faster moving objects to increase the difficulty; they can move to a foam ball and then to a faster moving whiffle ball
“W” Floor Hockey Pattern
Grade Level: K-2
- “W” Floor Hockey Pattern
- Poly spots are set up in a W formation. Students are stationed at each of the poly spots and work together to pass to the next student. After passing, they will follow their pass to the next spot. Once they reach the final spot, they get to attempt a shot on the goal.
- G – Student Goals
- Practice passing, receiving, and shooting on a goal
- O – Opportunities
- All students get the opportunity to pass, receive the puck, and shoot on a goal without the difficulty of having to shoot pass a goalkeeper or defender.
- A – Appropriate
- This game is appropriate for a 1st through 3rd grade class and keeps them focused on the skills using the hockey stick instead of trying to play against defenders
- L – Learning Domains
- The activity allows good opportunities for teamwork since the students must pass the puck to the next student in the W formation. Also encourages the last student in the formation to make a good shot and score.
- S – Slanty Creek
- Different W formations can be set up with different distances between poly spots for harder and easier passes. Also, groups can change from slower moving objects like pucks to whiffle balls to make the passing and receiving more difficult.
All-Ball Kickball
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5
- Two teams. One kicking, one outfield
- Every player on the kicking team has a ball and all kick their balls into the outfield at the same time. Once they all kick the ball, they run back and forth between cones to score runs (can be different locomotor skills besides running as well). The whole team has to stay together to score points.
- Players in the outfield, as quickly as they can, try and dribble all the balls into a goal/area that is set up somewhere in the outfield to stop the other team from scoring runs. Everyone’s ball has to be in the goal/area to stop the other team from running.
- Each team will get 3 kicks and then switch sides
- Teams keep track of their score and play for a certain time period
Skipping Musical Chairs
Grade Level: K-2
- Student Responsibility: Sit quietly in a circle and listen to instruction and watch demonstrations
- Equipment: Polly spots and device to play music. The space that will be used a circle that is somewhere in the gym and an area around that for the students to skip around. The only equipment needed will be the poly spots that mark the circle.
- Instruction: Ok class, now here is where this step-up I was telling you about earlier comes into play. Today we will be learning skipping, and we will help us do this by playing Skipping Musical Chairs. Instead of chairs we will be using pollyspots that are set up in a circle, when the music starts we will move in a circle while skipping, when the music stops, everyone will try to get to a spot. After everyone but one person finds their spot, one more spot is taken out, and the person who didn’t find a spot will come to join the unable to playgroup. Like the last activity, the people who are unable to participate will be given a form going over the key parts needed for a mature skipping pattern, and will be analyzing is students are hitting these levels. Once a round of the game is completed, we will set up and play again. When performing a skip, it is important to remember it is a step forward followed by a hop on the same foot and at the same time arms are flexed and move in opposition to legs to produce force(Demonstrate skip). Please be safe and no pushing for a poly spot, if you got beat there you got beat there. Remember, a way to be a good friend during this activity is not bullying your way to a spot and respectfully accepting that you got out if that is the case. (Now start to begin the game)
- Cue words: Step then hop, arms flexed, opposition to help produce force.
- Making Groups: No groups
- Safety/Cheating: Make sure students know pushing other students off of the polly spots is not allowed.
Locomotor City
Grade Level: K-2
- Turn into Monopoly game, collect piece after finish station, take lap around city
- Domains- Psychomotor- Skills, Cognitive- Strategy, Affective- Relationships
- G- Different activities keep everyone engaged
- O-Bunch of Stations
- A-Bunch of Stations
- L- All 3
- S- Differing Levels of stations
Hopscotch Jump Rope
Grade Level: K-2
Hopscotch Jump Rope
Students turn a short rope while moving through a hopscotch pattern. If outside, students can draw their own hopscotch pattern
G-Lots of fun combining two activities that students know
O-Every child has a rope and a hopscotch pattern
A- Performs intermediate jump rope skills tricks, (e.g., running in and out of long rope) for both long and short ropes. (S1.E27.3)
S-Offer various lengths of hopscotch patterns
- 1
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- 3
- 4
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