Strike Across Remake
Divide the playing area in half with a middle dividing line. Create partners by colored shirts, shoes, etc. Create two equal teams of partner groups. Each partner team has a…
Divide the playing area in half with a middle dividing line. Create partners by colored shirts, shoes, etc. Create two equal teams of partner groups. Each partner team has a…
In this game, students will be given a partner, a ball, and a tee and bat. Each group will also have a square taped on the wall in front of…
“Pirate Floor Hockey” Each student is given a foam hockey stick and a puck (their gold or treasure). Next have some students put away their treasure puck and be “pirates”…
“W” Floor Hockey Pattern Poly spots are set up in a W formation. Students are stationed at each of the poly spots and work together to pass to the next…
Assign two or three players to a course. For a larger group, assign two or three players to start at each hole. Design a golf course by placing a numbered…
Set up pins like bowling or spread out pins out on one side of the floor. Partner on the other side take turns striking a ball off a tee to…
Batters are trying to get their catchers to successfully catch 10 foam balls before the other team does. The batters have a basket of balls, and the catchers have an…
Have batting zones taped on the wall and a tee at each station. Let students choose bat and ball size. Create a circular board game made of hula hoops in…
Students have to work together to help clean the floor in the gym! Objects of different colors are spread out around the gym floor and hula hoops that match the…
The game is simple and very similar to golf. Tape hula hoops around the area of play on the walls varying in different locations. You can have as many as…