Grade Level: K-2
Identify 1-3 taggers, and when tagged a player must stand with their hand in the air, and legs spread apart. Any player may unfreeze a frozen player by going underneath their legs. After saying “thank you” an unfrozen player may return to the game.
Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment. (S4.E2.1)
Shares equipment and space with others. (S4.E4.K)
Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities. (S4.E5.2)
Performs locomotor skills (hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance. (S1.E1.K)
Hops, gallops, jogs and slides using a mature pattern. (S1.E1.1)
- Have students move around using various locomotor patterns
- Have students unfreeze someone by walking over them instead of crawling under