To instruct especially so as to encourage physical, intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement through Physical Education.
Physical Education (PE) can teach lots more than just how to throw a ball. As you probably already know, there is a lot of social interaction in the typical PE class, and that offers a perfect opportunity for kids to grow in their ability to develop positive social skills. In addition, PE challenges kids to think differently; to make connections between what they have learned in the classroom and how it is applied in a real-life setting. For example: learning about balance and measurement in science takes on a whole new meaning when you are trying to create a perfectly balanced pyramid in your PE class!
More than just a listing of activities, this site also offers resources that can help you to be a better teacher, student or supporter of PE in your school. It also provides a way for you to connect with other educators to share stories, best practices, and solutions.
This site is made possible by a generous donation from the Virginia Horne Henry Fund.